Top Gun Tools & Fixings (Top Gun Air Nailers Ltd) currently offers International delivery on nail gun parts only – no other goods can be shipped outside of the U.K. if you are trying to order and getting a message of no delivery method available this may be the reason, please remove any non-parts items from your basket and try again.
Top Gun can currently ship nail gun parts to addresses in the European Union (EU) for a flat fee rate of £25 +VAT and to addresses in Australia and New Zealand for a flat rate fee of £30.00 + VAT.
If you wish to order from a location other than this please contact us at and we will see what we can do.
All International Orders will be charged at time of order in UK Pounds Sterling and your card issuer may charge for the currency conversion.
If any parcels being delivered look to be damaged this must be made clear to the delivery driver and noted on the delivery before signing acceptance.
All in stock orders will be despatched same or next day after your order has been confirmed. For any items not in stock at the time of ordering details will be amended to your order to give estimation of despatch/delivery timescale.